Face Reading

“if there is anyone who can read faces, they will easily tell you what is in your heart”

-S. A. Singh ji

Authentic You

Your face is unique, and does not need to fit a certain beauty standard. You are the standard. Each facial feature is a gift and by understanding it you can learn how to empower yourself and improve your personal health.

Your face holds clues about your health and life experiences. It is a key component to understanding Ming. (Golden Path).

Ming is why we are here, and how we use our skills, talents and abilities in the world to complete the work that is significant to us.

This ancient lineage of face reading focusses on the positive aspects of your face. It is intended that this be an uplifting experience that brings greater awareness for personal growth and the ability to love who you are.

Anita & Lillian in Bath, England

Master Face Reader Certification

I have my Face Reading certification. I travelled to the United States and the United Kingdom to study with Lillian Pearl Bridges.

Lillian studied face reading from childhood, sitting with her grandmother Mary Chen Lowe, who shared with her this lineage of ancient Chinese wisdom. I am grateful to my mentor Lillian Pearl Bridges.

"The Purpose of Life is to be yourself as much as you can be, by combining your innate talents and abilities with the wisdom from your life experience and merging them with your intrinsic spirit. Then give yourself back to the world as a gift." - Lillian Bridges

Have your Face Read Anywhere in the world

Face Reading is offered by video conferencing. Book your appointment from wherever in the world you are today,


“The Face Reading was not what I expected at all. Anita deftly used what she could see on my face to empower me with wisdom about how I interact with the world around me and guide me towards being a more true and confident version of myself”
- B.P, Client